How to Lose Weight You Gained In The Summer (Or Any Other Time Of Year) Fast

Summer vacation is one of the most wonderful parts of following a hectic nine to five work schedule. You get to enjoy family time and get some much deserved rest and relaxation. But as summer winds down, you start getting that familiar feeling: guilt! For not exercising and eating too much delicious food. If this describes your current situation, don't worry, there are steps you can take to lose weight quickly.

Step 1: Pantry and fridge overhaul. All the obvious like old, stale, and overly processed foods have to go. Also, get rid of red flag foods. Red flag foods are the ones you just have no control over and can never stop eating until the whole pack is gone.

Step 2. Restock your fridge and pantry with high protein and high fiber foods. These will build the base of our back-on-track meals.

Step 3: Have an exercise plan ready. I have my clients start on 2-3 resistance training sessions a week. These sessions need to be planned efficiently. I like to get the most results possible in the least amount of time possible. So each session is packed with the most optimal exercises, repetitions and lifting methods, no time wasted. We add 1-2 cardio sessions in if the schedule permits.

Step 4: Clean out your calendar of unnecessary social events. Are there groups of friends you always end up overeating and binge drinking with? If your environment is supportive they will cheer for you taking care of your health. But if you’re getting mocked for your new habits, why do you want to continue hanging out with this unsupportive circle?

Step 5: get active outside of the gym. Take as many accidental steps as possible. Walk everywhere, play with your kids and pets, take stairs, take that after dinner stroll around the neighborhood. See if you can bring your steps up to 8-10K a day in most days of the week.

These 5 steps will give you a huge boost of motivation during these last days of summer. If you’re ready to transform your body dramatically, I can help you build a more precise plan for that. Click here to apply for your consultation.

Put your pants on, let’s go workout!